Application Instructions
Estate Anytime All Natural Lawn Fertilizer
Estate Anytime All Natural Fertilizer is a non-burning, slow-release and long lasting fertilizer that helps new seeds thrive and makes lawn care easy.

Estate Anytime All Natural Lawn Fertilizer Directions for Use
For Established Lawns
- Apply to lawn at a rate of 14.4 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. using a properly calibrated spreader. For best results, apply a few days before mowing or a few days after mowing. Apply this product to your lawn and sweep any product that lands on the driveway, sidewalk, or street back onto your lawn.
Upgrading Poor Lawns
- Apply four feedings of Estate Anytime All Natural Fertilizer 5-5-0 during the growing season, every 3 to 6 weeks.
For New Lawns
- Spread two bags over 10,000 sq. ft. of lawn area.
- Use settings shown and go over lawn twice in cross directions.
- Work into the top 2-3 inches of soil.
- Seed or sod with desired grasses.
- After the second mowing, apply one bag to 10,000 sq. ft.
- Continue regular feeding on the 6 to 8 week schedule.
How to Apply
Spreader Settings Table

Coverage Area

Additional Details

Product Quality Facts
- Formulated to provide grass the necessary nutrients for Midwest growing conditions.
- Long lasting, non-burning, odorless and dust free.
- Contains slow release nitrogen.
- Granulated to provide uniform distribution of nutrients.
- Complete with nutrients including iron to give grass a dark green color and a robust root system.
Tips for Good Lawns
- Read instructions before using.
- Use sharp blades, with mowers properly adjusted.
- Walk at a steady normal speed when spreading.
- Always shut off spreaders when turning or stopping.
- Do not fill spreaders when on the grass.
- Clean spreaders thoroughly after use.
- Spreader opening and closing mechanism should be working freely before starting.
- Be sure not to skip or miss areas.
- Be sure not to overlap areas.
- It is better to water deep when necessary, than it is to sprinkle lightly often.